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Junior Girls


To find out which age teams you can tryout for, click this link.


AZ Region Girls Open Houses and Tryouts Schedule

Girls Tryouts 2024-2025 Season - Fall 2024 Schedule

14 and Younger Open House Period: Wednesday, October 23rd thru Friday, November 1st

14 and Younger Tryouts: On or after November 2nd

15s and Older Open House Period: Tuesday, November 12th - Friday, November 22nd. No club-related activities may occur on the Blackout Date of Saturday, November 16th in observance of  AIA Girls State High School Championships so athletes may focus on their school priorities.

15s and Older Tryouts: On or after November 23rd

BLACKOUT DATE: SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 16th for Girls State High School Championships. No club-related activities can be held on November 16, 2024.

Open Houses & Private Lessons

A volleyball club may not offer open gyms or private lessons during the Open House Period. This is the time for the player to find the appropriate club for them. It is not a time for the club to lock them down and not let them see what may be best for them. The club may talk about the player's skills and potential for making a team in the club, but the club may not ask the player to commit to any team or pay any money to hold their spot prior to tryouts.

Penalties are imposed for violating the Open House Period rules and regulations. The penalties may include suspension.


USA Volleyball hosts the 2024 Girls Junior National Championships

18s Girls Junior National Championships

April 25-27, 2025 | Salt Lake City, Utah


14-17s Girls Junior National Championships

June 25-July 3, 2025 | Dallas, Texas


11-13s Girls Junior National Championships

June 21-24, 2025 | Kansas City, Missouri


Article: "More Tourneys Mean more Opportunities for Girls Jr. Nationals"


Tournament Related Policies

Please be mindful of our "Pack It In, Pack It Out" policy. Review it here. Everything brought to a tournament is to be taken home to be disposed, recycled or reused. Bring your own trash bags to make this more convenient for your team camp.
No Food or Drink in the gyms. Water in a closed-top container only is allowed in any of our gyms. No exceptions.
Electronics Policy - Electronics are NOT allowed at the score table or on the person of the line judges or officials. Penalty points will be issued if the team does not take this seriously.
Coaches meetings - Coaches are to be checked in prior to the Coach's meetings. The meetings are held 1/2 hour prior to the first match time. All coaches should be checked in and attend the Coach's meetings to avoid being penalized for being late and delaying the start of the day. This includes coaches whose teams do not play or ref the first round..
Officials - We have many new officials and young officials. Please help your parents and coaches understand WE NEED our officials. They should not be yelled at, abused, harassed, followed, etc. This includes the girls on the corners as line judges and the table keeping score. No one should be harassed or abused to work in youth sports.
In the event that we are short officials at a facility, the coach or other adult trained for the team will be required to R1 during the team's ref assignment. The club will be credited $24 for each match that the team had to provide the R1. If the coach is also a registered official, the coach will be paid through Arbiter if they have officiated. If they are not in Arbiter, the team will be paid.

AES - Tournament Pools and Schedules

Click here to go to AES ( to see the pool schedule and match results real time.




Click here to see all important dates for the 2023-24 Girls Volleyball Season.


Every team must be be checked in and the coach/parent attend at the Coaches meeting regardless whether their team plays, refs or is off the first match.

With the 4 team pool format, if a team drops late on Friday it will not show on the website that they are not coming. If a team does drop, the pool format changes and everyone is playing or reffing the first match.

Please make sure your coaches understand that the team must be on site by first match of the pool start time and the coach must attend the Coach's meeting.

USA Volleyball referees will award #refvolleyball pins to athletes who demonstrate these qualities and show excellent potential for becoming a referee. Click to find out more!

In the Arizona Region of USA Volleyball, teams have the option of competing in the AZ Region National Club Qualifier. Top teams capture bids to compete at the Girls Junior National Championships.


In the Arizona Region of USA Volleyball, teams have the option of competing to capture a bid for the national tournament.

Region teams compete in a regular club season. Then they may register to compete in the Arizona Region National Club Qualifier, which you might see as the "AZ NCQ." Teams which win bids at the AZ NCQ then advance to the GJNC or Girls Junior National Championships through USA Volleyball.

Teams may also earn bids for GJNC at tournaments outside of the Arizona Region. To find out more, please visit our AZ NCQ page for details.

2024 Girls Junior National Qualifiers and Girls Junior National Championship Tourneys

The new season brings new opportunities to play!

2024 will again offer 7 divisions of play at Girls Junior National Qualifiers and Girls Junior National Championships.

The Arizona Region of USA Volleyball receives one bid to fill for the National, American and Freedom Divisions.  Ages 13 and below do not have a Freedom Division.  11s only have a National bid.

The Qualifiers will offer Open, USA, Liberty and American Divisions. Girls 11s & 12s will also be able to qualify for a National bid at a National Qualifier.

The order of strength for the Divisions is:

  • Open - USAV Qualifier only
  • National - Region Qualifier only and USAV Qualifier for 11s & 12s
  • USA - USAV Qualifier only 
  • Liberty - USAV Qualifier only
  • American - USAV and Region Qualifiers
  • Freedom - Region Qualifier only
  • Patriot - no bid required to enter

"Keep facilities clean" graphic

Please click here read our guidelines regarding facility use and team camps.

News & Updates


  • By Az Volleyball Mom 12/01/2024, 2:00pm MST
  • The Arizona Region of USA Volleyball can teach your coaches the skills to coach efficiently and effectively.
  • Read More

  • By Az Volleyball Mom 11/01/2024, 11:00am MST
  • Great pay and a fun way to stay in the game!
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  • By Az Volleyball Mom 10/30/2024, 12:00pm MST
  • Register now for the USA Volleyball National Beach Qualifier in Arizona!
  • Read More