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Boys Tryouts

Concussion Education

With the blessing of the NFL the state of Arizona passed concussion legislation that was signed into law April 2011. As a result all athletes and their parents must be educated in the signs, symptoms and what to do if you have a concussion. Coaches must also be trained regarding the same. In order to use school facilities for our programs and our tournaments we must comply with this new law. As a result the Arizona Region requires that each parent and player read their respective CDC Fact Sheet on Concussions and sign an Acknowledgement Form indiciating they understand the signs, symptoms and what to do if they think they have a concussion. The Acknowledgement form is to be turned in to the club with registration materials. No player will be put on a roster until this form has been received each season.

SafeSport Education

The Arizona Region in conjunction with the US Olympic Committee and USA Volleyball have launched their SafeSport programs. In Arizona a parent and player are to read over the SafeSport Document and submit a signed SafeSport Participant Form (Page 3 of the SafeSport Document) as part of the membership paperwork. These signed forms are to be given to the club to submit with the team registration. The document is the definitions of the 6 aspects of SafeSport - Bullying, Hazing, Harassment, Sexual Misconduct, Emotional Misconduct, Physical Misconduct. The Arizona Region and USA Volleyball are committed to stopping abuse in Sport - How about You?

To help us with retention of these forms and making sure we have received both forms - PLEASE print the Concussion Acknowledgement Form AND Page 3 of the SafeSport Document BACK to BACK on one page. Sign both sides of the page and submit 1 paper with both forms. We greatly appreciate you helping us with this.

Membership NOTE for all trying out in August: If you were registered for the 2023 season your membership is still good until Aug 31st - you will be able to purchase the renewal of your membership for the 2024 season after Aug 2nd.  If you were not registered for the 2023 season you will need to register for the Summer membership ($15) and then renew your membership for the 2024 season.

FYI - Open gyms are not covered by the USAV Insurance. You play at your own risk during these sessions.

Updated 7/18/2023

Boys Club Tryouts

  • A Heartfelt Thank You

  • By Az Volleyball Mom 11/01/2023, 1:00pm MST
  • A volleyball dad shares the amazing growth of his son through volleyball.
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