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Open #2 - 1/27/18


  • Coaches Meeting: 8:30 START Time
  • Tournament START Time:  9 am
  • Check-in should be completed at the tournament desk prior to the Coach's meeting. A picture ID for each coach on the roster is required along with a medical release form for each player on the roster. We understand that not all WebPoint rosters are complete.  Please provide your WebPoint roster if it is ready (contact your club director regarding missing players/coaches).  If your roster is not ready, please provide a copy of your team registration form to the site director.
  • Format - Teams are snake seeded into pools of 4 within either the top quartile, middle half, or bottom quartile of the open division. Pool play will be followed by a crosspool match with 1 v 2 and 3 v 4 (standing as a result of pool play) with the other corresponding pool at the same site (e.g. A1-1 cross with A2-2, A1-2 with A2-1). Following this tournament, teams will assume the seed of their finish and be straight seeded into divisions for the next tournament. Match play is best 2 of 3 sets to 25, 3rd set to 15, if needed.  No tie breaker sets will be played.  Ties will be resolved by the standard procedure: 2 way tie = head-to-head; 3 way tie = set % (sets won / total sets played), then if needed point % (points won / total points played) -- at no time will head-to-head apply in a 3 way tie.
  • Pools J and N are comprised of 2 pools of 3. They will play auto-3 sets to 25 for the 2 pool play matches (if one team wins the first 2 sets, the 3rd set will not be considered in set % and point % calculations in the event of a 3-way pool tie), then cross match 1 v 1, 2 v 2, and 3 v 3 (2 sets to 25, deciding set to 15 if needed) within the same pool letter.
  • Pool M is a 5 team pool that will not have any cross-pool matches.


Pools D - N have been updated